
The Need and Role of a Database in an Organization:



Data are used by different people in different departments for different reasons. Therefore, data management must address the concept of shared data. The DBMS facilitates:


• Interpretation and presentation of data in useful formats by transforming raw data into information.

• Distribution of data and information to the right people at the right time.


• Data preservation and monitoring the data usage for adequate periods of time.


• Control over data duplication and use, both internally and externally.


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An organization’s managerial structure might be divided into three levels: top, middle, and operational. Top-level management makes strategic decisions; middle management makes tactical decisions, and operational management makes daily operational decisions. The DBMS must provide tools that give each level of management a useful view of the data and that support the required level of decision making.    



At the top management level, the database must be able to:


• Provide the information necessary for strategic decision making, strategic planning, policy formulation, and goals definition.

• Provide access to external and internal data to identify growth opportunities and to chart the direction of such growth.


• Provide a framework for defining and enforcing organizational policies. (Remember that such polices are translated into business rules at lower levels in the organization.)


• Improve the likelihood of a positive return on investment for the company by searching for new ways to reduce costs and/or by boosting productivity.


• Provide feedback to monitor whether the company is achieving its goals.


At the middle management level, the database must be able to:


• Deliver the data necessary for tactical decisions and planning.

• Monitor and control the allocation and use of company resources and evaluate the performance of the various departments.


• Provide a framework for enforcing and ensuring the security and privacy of the data in the database. Security means protecting the data against accidental or intentional use by unauthorized users. Privacy deals with the rights of individuals and the organization to determine the “who, what, when, where, and how” of data usage.


At the operational management level, the database must be able to:



• Represent and support the company operations as closely as possible. The data model must be flexible enough to incorporate all required present and expected data.

• Produce query results within specified performance levels. Keep in mind that the performance requirements increase for lower levels of management and operations. Thus, the database must support fast responses to a greater number of transactions at the operational management level.

• Enhance the company’s short-term operational ability by providing timely information for customer support and for application development and computer operations.


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