Career News

Ergonomics for working women
Working women, in general, spend long hours behind a desk or on their feet depending on the kind of job they are in, besides the work at home.

Ergonomics for working womenKirthi, an IT professional, constantly complains of watery eyes and stiffness in the wrists and neck. She works almost 12 hours on her laptop. It was found that Kirthi did not have the right posture and had the habit of staring fixedly at the monitor leading to dry eye syndrome. Most of these complaints are due to lack of awareness of proper ergonomics while at work. Hence, workplace ergonomics is important for all, particularly so for women.

Ergonomics is the science of keeping things comfortable and efficient at work. Ergonomics can be physical, cognitive or organisational. Physical problems include strain injuries, postures, and workloads. Research has not yet proved this definitely but experts are of the opinion that the percentage of women with ergonomic issues is higher than that of men in similar jobs. It has also been found that these issues are more prevalent among women who work as sales people, nurses, cashiers, teachers, shop assistants, etc. The main reason for this could be physiological differences.

Women are structured differently from men. However, women compete with men in many areas. But the efficiency or strength expended by women for the same job, particularly physical tasks would be higher than that of men. This is because of physical and skeletal differences. Women differ from men in physical body size and in certain functional aspects such as muscle strength, stature or flexibility.
Moreover, women are more prone to musculoskeletal disorders due to physical differences. This is the reason for differences in work techniques or posture between the genders for the same task.
To reduce injuries of the workforce, particularly women, organisations must employ ergonomics in designing workplace tools and facilitate a healthy work environment for improved efficiency. On a personal level, women need to consider the following factors at the workplace to minimise issues arising out of bad ergonomics.
Good posture: It is important to have good posture while working. Feet should be well supported, knees should be lower or on the same level as hips while sitting. This minimises back aches and cramps.
Eye strain: Constantly staring at the monitor leads to eye strain and watering of eyes. Women should look away from the monitor at least once every five minutes and blink to moisten the eyes.
Sitting position: Women should ensure that their eyes are on a straight level with the monitor and the chair is suitably adjusted so that both the feet touch the ground. The hands should be able to comfortably float over the keyboard without bending at the wrist.
Short walks and stretches: Women should avoid sitting or standing in one place for prolonged periods, and move around at least once every half hour. Simple stretches in the same position are also beneficial and remove stiffness from the joints and back. Some more tips:
1. Clasp both hands straight above the head and stretch both legs together straight in front
2. Rotate the neck left to right and then right to left
3. Standing in one place, lift one leg and bend it backwards from the knee
4. Rotate wrists with hands stretched in front clockwise and anticlockwise Extend your hands in front with palm facing outwards and push your fingers back to feel the stretch
5. Rotate each ankle clockwise and anticlockwise
6. Twist your body from waist with back straight while seated to the left and right
High heels: Wearing high heels creates problems for the back and contracts the leg muscles. Wearing high heels while sitting makes the knees slightly raised leading to aches.
Handbag: A heavy handbag leads to pain in the shoulders and upper arm. Care should be taken to carry only the essentials in the handbag and avoid an overload.
Women should understand their body and mental framework and adapt ergonomics that are suitable to them depending on the profession. By following some of these simple tips and taking care of posture, women can comfortably enjoy their work at office and at home with improved efficiency.

Source: The Hindu, September 5, 2012

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