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Wipro AppLife, now up for grabs for engineering students
Wipro Technologies, has announced the launch of Wipro AppLife Contest for engineering students to showcase their creative and technical talent in developing mobile applications for consumers and enterprises. The contest will start on June 19, 2012 with final entries being accepted until December 18, 2012.
Wipro ApplifeThe Wipro AppLife Contest, a crowdsourcing-cum-engagement initiative for engineering students in India would be hosted on Wipro’s “Campus Arena” portal — a social learning network, which bridges the gap between campuses and the company. Wipro AppLife is a successful social collaborative mobile platform that has allowed Wipro employees to showcase their creative and technical talent in building cross-platform smartphone and tablet apps for consumers and enterprises. Wipro is now extending this platform to engineering colleges through this contest to encourage future engineers, to think outside the box and suggest holistic solutions for the industry.

“Today’s students require a hands-on experience coupled with adequate exposure to industry veterans to really hone their skills,” says Gaurav Dhall, Global Head-Mobility Solutions, Wipro Technologies.
The AppLife contest would become a medium for Wipro to engage students, identify talent and nurture them. The contest will be open to all final and pre-final year students of Wipro-accredited engineering colleges across India. The students of these colleges are expected to register online to download a software development kit necessary for them to participate and develop mobile applications for any smart phone and tablet.
Wipro will have mentors from its Mobility Training Academy team, who will constantly interact with the students to help them better understand the latest mobile technologies and prepare them for the contest.
The contest will not only allow students to become early starters in the mobile application development space, but will also enable their ideas to see the light of the day through real-time application development.

Source:July 5, 2012, DHNS

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