Career News

Today, a cutting-edge workforce is seen in every organisation. There are the advantages of being in a competitive environment which include greater productivity and higher profits coupled with work-oriented employees and deadline driven atmosphere. However, this may not necessarily be the work atmosphere in all organisations.
Timeless tips to be competitiveToo much of competitiveness has its disadvantages. Not all can thrive in a competitive environment. While some do, there are others who are productive in an easygoing approach to getting things done. When employees are busy pulling each other down so they can move up, it brings in a toxic environment. It may cause employees unnecessary stress and grief leading to physical ailments. Team spirit may get affected, trust may dive down and malpractices could be a common occurrence. This leads to performances going bland and profits plummeting. Let's look at some tips to stay afloat in a competitive workplace and enhance productivity.

Compete with yourself: It is easy to be consumed by an overwhelming urge to compete and run for the glittering prize at the end of the race. However, it takes courage to take away the need to feel that you always must ‘keep up' with others. Simply emulating what your co-worker does leaves no room for pondering about what it is that truly drives you. As a healthy competitive person, spend your energy on competing with yourself. Have a specific goal to work so you can measure it and see the progress for yourself. As Michelangelo said, “Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.” Continue to challenge yourself and avoid getting complacent.
Update your boss frequently: Make sure you are periodically updating your boss about the round of applauses that you are receiving. This isn't the time to shrink back and allow others to take over your accolades. Always be prepared. Have information ready to update your boss on any new developments. Keep a detailed record of your achievements and communicate their overall value addition to the department or organisation.
Advocate cooperation: Be the change you want to see in others. Instead of seething silently about your competitive colleague, advocate teamwork. Maintain a friendly relationship with team members through open communication and dollops of trust. Provide support and recognise others' interests and achievements. Suggest ways to collaborate on projects or tasks. For example, creating a database of templates for a project, or online tools and reference documents that are stored in your shared drive can help the entire team.
Focus on the big picture: The ability to think big is necessary to foster a culture of innovation and leadership. Look at what is good for the entire team. Avoid running after pointless competition and losing on the big game. Work on common goals. Learn and grow with each other. Remember, it takes lots of effort of all employees to make a company successful. Find ways to reach full potential, instead of focusing on meeting your targets and deadlines. In the end, you will be amply rewarded.
Better yourself: Consider competition in a healthy way. Be motivated and inspired by others' success. For example, if you are in the sales department, and your colleague is winning accolades by the dozen, instead of making him your foe, use it to your advantage. Try asking for his or her advice regarding your sales pitch. Be curious. Ask questions about how he or she reached the solution. Be a good listener. Take the time to note down the specific areas where you can improve. Think that this as an opportunity to learn. Surrounding yourself with positive, talented, and supportive people is a guaranteed way to success. So be competitive, just differently!

Source: The Hindu, July 4, 2012

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