Career News

Feeling terribly overburdened and exhausted at work? Beware! You may be courting trouble in the form of stress! Work pressure is here to stay, as it is the inevitable fallout of the mad rush that we go through every day.

However, the accompanying stress must always be kept at bay, as it is highly dangerous. Stress brings with it a whole baggage of ill effects that ruin your health and happiness at one go! So, why not think of stress free ways to tackle mounting work pressure? Sounds impossible?
Well, it is not as tough as you think. All you need to do is raise your workplace happiness quotient levels. This will automatically bring down the stress! Clueless? Take these cues to enjoy a happy and stress-free work-life:

Find happiness in what you do:
Observe the irony. We all seek happiness. We eat, drink, sleep, work and earn only to be happy, yet happiness seems to elude us. This is because we hardly try to find happiness in what we do. We always crave for something better. This endless quest leads us on to a path of never-ending misery! Now, to increase your happiness at work, you must try to change this attitude.First, to be happy, awareness about the need to be happy is very important. Negative emotions like hurt, anger, fear, jealously and greed create a negative energy field around us. Internally, there is an adrenalin rush, blood pressure and pulse rate shoot up and the rate of breathing increases. All these internal changes severely hamper our efficiency at work. On the other hand, positive emotions like love, friendship, peace, courage and laughter surround us with a positive energy field called happiness. It produces chemicals of life and joy called endorphins and serotonins. So, start training your mind to be happy – it is absolutely possible.
You may not be in a position to change your work or other events of your life. However, you can certainly learn to handle them happily. To be always happy, take the following steps:

Maintain good physical health: Physical fitness is very important as wellness of mind and spirit emerges from it. There can be no happiness without good physical health. Good food, rest and exercise are a must for physical fitness. You must never neglect these on account of work pressure. Squeeze some time out of your frenzied schedule to go to a gym or do yoga. Sports and recreation are a must to keep your mind happy and active.
Gain emotional health: Every day close your eyes and sit peacefully for a few minutes to meditate. Try also to bring out positive emotions into your mind like love, compassion, courage, generosity, peace, forgiveness, gratitude, honesty, and contentment to make yourself emotionally strong. Emotional wellness helps you handle adversities with equanimity.
Nurture family bonding: A healthy relationship with family and friends acts as great stress reliever. You must religiously reserve time for family bonding. Going out occasionally on picnics and outings with family and friends helps you to relax and recharge.
Take happiness breaks: Take short breaks at regular intervals to ease work pressure. A coffee or tea break is certainly invigorating. You can also try going for a refreshing walk in your office campus, eat fresh energy giving fruits, listen to some enlivening music or read a joke or simply sit with your eyes closed for a few minutes pushing aside all thoughts!
Enjoy your work:
You are happy when you love what you do. Change your job if it doesn't match with your passion. If you cannot do so, try changing your perceptions. Develop liking for your job by listing out all the positives about it. Look at your job as a means to serve and make others happy.
Learn new skills to get rid of monotony. Bond with your co-workers and help them. Let your creativity flourish to make your work interesting. However, if you are over-passionate, you tend to push yourself too hard. To avoid this, always set realistic expectations and don't forget to reward yourself when ever you reach them. Also, plan your work in advance to avoid rushing in the eleventh hour! A relaxed pace coupled with good focus will keep you happy at work.Happiness is life's biggest boon and an assured antidote to stress. So, make the best use of it to keep workplace stress away!

Source: The Hindu

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