MCA Colleges

E-Commerce Questions and Answers



1. What is E-commerce? Explain advantages and disadvantages of E-Commerce.

2. Explain the Architecture of E-Commerce.

3. Explain the components of E-Commerce.

4. Explain different applications of E-Commerce.

5. What are the different models of E-Commerce.

6. Explain about B2C model?

7. Explain about the Web-based E-commerce architecture?(OR) What are the requirements of web-based E-commerce?

8. What are the different types of issues to be considered in E-commerce?

9. What are the basic applications of Internet?

10. Explain about E-marketing.

11. What is E-marketplace and explain different functions of E-marketplaces?

12. What are the different types of E-marketplaces?

13. What is an EDI explain the advantages of EDI?



14. Write about EDI architecture?

15. What are the different security methods for E-Commerce?