MBA Colleges

Operational Data Vs Decision Support Data



Operational data and decision support data serve different purposes. Most operational data are stored in a relational database in which the structures (tables) tend to be highly normalized.

Operational data storage is optimized to support transactions that represent daily operations. For example, each time an item is sold, it must be accounted for.

Operational Data Vs Decision Support Data


Customer data, inventory data, and so on, are in a frequent update mode. To provide effective update performance, operational systems store data in many tables, each with a minimum number of fields.

From the data analyst’s point of view, decision support data differ from operational data in three main areas: time span, granularity, and dimensionality.

Operational Data Vs decision support data

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• Time span 


Operational data cover a short time frame. In contrast, decision support data tend to cover a longer time frame. Managers are seldom interested in a specific sales invoice to customer X; rather, they tend to focus on sales generated during the last month, the last year, or the last five years.



• Granularity(level of aggregation)

Decision support data must be presented at different levels of aggregation, from highly summarized to near-atomic. For example, if managers must analyze sales by region, they must be able to access data showing the sales by region, by city within the region, by store within the city within the region, and so on. In that case, summarized data to compare the regions is required, and also data in a structure that enables a manager to drill down, or decompose, the data into more atomic components (that is, finer-grained data at lower levels of aggregation). In contrast, when you roll up the data, you are aggregating the data to a higher level.


• Dimensionality:

Operational data focus on representing individual transactions rather than on the effects of the transactions over time. In contrast, data analysts tend to include many data dimensions and are interested in how the data relate over those dimensions. For example, an analyst might want to know how product X fared relative to product Z during the past six months by region, state, city, store, and customer. In that case, both place and time are part of the picture.

From the designer’s point of view, the differences between operational and decision support data are as follows:

• Operational data represent transactions as they happen in real time. Decision support data are a snapshot of the operational data at a given point in time. Therefore, decision support data are historic, representing a time slice of the operational data.


• Operational and decision support data are different in terms of transaction type and transaction volume. Whereas operational data are characterized by update transactions, decision support data are mainly characterized by query (read-only) transactions. Decision support data also require periodic updates to load new data that are summarized from the operational data. Finally, the concurrent transaction volume in operational data tends to be very high when compared with the low-to-medium levels found in decision support data.


• Operational data are commonly stored in many tables, and the stored data represent the information about a given transaction only. Decision support data are generally stored in a few tables that store data derived from the operational data. The decision support data do not include the details of each operational transaction. Instead, decision support data represent transaction summaries; therefore, the decision support database stores data that are integrated, aggregated, and summarized for decision support purposes.

• The degree to which decision support data are summarized is very high when contrasted with operational data. Therefore, you will see a great deal of derived data in decision support databases. For example, rather than storing all 10,000 sales transactions for a given store on a given day, the decision support database might simply store the total number of units sold and the total sales dollars generated during that day. Decision support data might be collected to monitor such aggregates as total sales for each store or for each product. The purpose of the summaries is simple: they are to be used to establish and evaluate sales trends, product sales comparisons, and so on, that serve decision needs.

• The data models that govern operational data and decision support data are different. The operational database’s frequent and rapid data updates make data anomalies a potentially devastating problem. Therefore, the data requirements in a typical relational transaction (operational) system generally require normalized structures that yield many tables, each of which contains the minimum number of attributes. In contrast, the decision support database is not subject to such transaction updates, and the focus is on querying capability. Therefore, decision support databases tend to be non-normalized and include few tables, each of which contains a large number of attributes.


• Query activity (frequency and complexity) in the operational database tends to be low to allow additional processing cycles for the more crucial update transactions. Therefore, queries against operational data typically are narrow in scope, low in complexity, and speed-critical. In contrast, decision support data exist for the sole purpose of serving query requirements. Queries against decision support data typically are broad in scope, high in complexity, and less speed-critical.



• Finally, decision support data are characterized by very large amounts of data. The large data volume is the result of two factors. First, data are stored in non-normalized structures that are likely to display many data redundancies and duplications. Second, the same data can be categorized in many different ways to represent different snapshots. For example, sales data might be stored in relation to product, store, customer, region, and manager.


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